GFOA Alberta Policy Handbook
Framework Governance – Guiding Policy
Vision Statement
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Framework Governance – Guiding Policy |
Number: 1.1.  Download |
Policy Name: Vision Statement |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
GFOA Alberta is recognized and valued as the leading source of information and skills development resources for Alberta municipal finance leaders, managers and staff that enables them to position Alberta at the forefront of leadership in municipal finance and financial management. |
Framework Governance – Guiding Policy
Mission Statement
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Framework Governance – Guiding Policy |
Number: 1.2.  Download |
Policy Name: Mission Statement |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
GFOA Alberta inspires and promotes excellence in municipal financial management by providing professional development and training, facilitating networking and peer relationships, and by providing guidance on emerging municipal accounting standards and financial issues, for the benefit of our members and their organizations. |
Framework Governance – Guiding Policy
Values / Guiding Principles
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Framework Governance – Guiding Policy |
Number: 1.3.  Download |
Policy Name: Values / Guiding Principles |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
Framework Governance – Guiding Policy
Target Statement
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Framework Governance – Guiding Policy |
Number: 1.4.  Download |
Policy Name: Target Statement |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
With the support of Administration, the Board of Directors (Board) leads and coordinates by providing information and support services to Alberta municipal finance staff and their municipalities. Support to membership is provided by a set of task forces, staffed by committed volunteers that generously donate their knowledge and time, who help advance the cause of the Association and our members. Core functions of Communications, Emerging Issues and Professional Development are led by the Chairs of standing Task Forces who report directly to the Executive Director As issues arise Ad Hoc committees are formed, perform their work and dissolve once they have accomplished their purposes. |
Framework Governance – Guiding Policy
Aims Statements
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Framework Governance – Guiding Policy |
Number: 1.5.  Download |
Policy Name: Aims Statements |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
The Board of Directors (Board) and Administration will work on the following to achieve the mission of the Association.
This policy includes a progression of the following documents:
- the Strategic Plan,
- an Operating Plan that forms the framework for the Business Plans of the Task Forces and includes timelines for both budgets and business plans,
- a Business Plan of the Board that incorporates the Task Force Business Plans and ties to the Operating Plan,
- multi-year Budgets and
- a long-term Revenue Strategy.
A Strategic Plan:
– provides guidance in fulfilling the GFOA Alberta mission with maximum efficiency and impact. If it is to be effective and useful, it should articulate specific goals and describe the action steps and resources needed to accomplish them. As a rule, the strategic plan should be reviewed and revamped every three to five years.
An Operating Plan:
– coordinated set of tasks for carrying out the goals delineated in a strategic plan. It thus goes into greater detail than the strategic plan from which it is derived, spelling out time frames and the roles of individual staff and board members, for example. It also has a shorter horizon than a strategic plan — usually one fiscal year.
A Business Plan:
– focusing on the actions and investment necessary to generate income from a specific program or service. A business plan includes information about GFOA Alberta’s products, competitive environment and revenue assumptions. It describes the Association’s goals, capabilities and strengths and the benefits it provides. Its purpose is to secure contributions and grants, foundations, corporate giving programs and other philanthropic entities.
The Multi-Year Budget:
– administration will collaborate with the Association’s Treasurer to create a budget for each department’s/project’s operational plan. The multi-year budget will reflect the work outlined in the operational plan and include the following:
- activities required to complete the work,
- resources required to conduct planned activities,
- staff resources necessary (including salaries and benefits)
- additional expenditures (travel, supplies, consultants, postage, telephone).
Long-Range Fund-Raising Plan:
– The long-range revenue strategy helps the Board and Administration to ensure that the funding necessary to conduct its annual operational plan and to fulfill its longrange strategic plan. A long-range revenue strategy includes steps to identify the funding needs of the Association, and the Association’s potential sources of income or support.
About Us
GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:
- Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
- Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
- Communication with membership on financial issues
- Liaison with Municipal Affairs
- Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.
Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.
Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta
Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta
About Us
GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:
- Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
- Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
- Communication with membership on financial issues
- Liaison with Municipal Affairs
- Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.
Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.